Delivery of the bees can be arranged at £1.50 per mile (one way) from LL76 8TZ, so if you live 10 miles from this postcode, delivery will be £15. Ferries etc. are charged as extras. Delivery is at our descretion only and is normally limited to 50 miles from the postcode.
The colonies will become available as and when the bees choose to do so and will be offered to customers on a first come first serve basis. If you are not ready for your bees, you will be put back one place in the queue.
We can not be responsible if you squash your queen bee whilst moving the frames to your hive, or if you loose the queen or if your bees do not settle into the hive and choose to fly away.
The queens in the nucleus colonies are not marked.
We reserve the right to retract from the sale if, for example, we do not have enough colonies of bees and we will not be responsible for loss of customer's income from the result of such retraction.
Payment is cash on delivery or collection or by bank transfer at least one working week before handing over the colonies.
No colonies can be sold without paying the deposit and the final price is deposit + nucleus cost. For example £50 + £205 = £245 total. The actual cost of the nucleus may change as the season progresses, so please check the current cost. The deposit is refundable on return of the nucleus box.
The bees are supplied in a sturdy, secure, nucleus box and cannot, in any circumstances, be transferred to any customer's box on our premises.
The nucleus box must be securely fastened in the customer's vehicle and the ventilation holes on the lower surface must not be obstructed. Positioning on a towel or fluffy cushion will obstruct the ventilation. The surface must be smooth and flat. The box should be securely positioned up against a bulkhead or panel in the vehicle to avoid it shooting forwards in the event of an emergency stop.
If the customer collects the colony then they are responsible for the safe transport of the colony and bees must not be allowed to escape into the vehicle. If for any reason any bees escape then the vehicle should be immediately stopped and the bees secured.
Colonies must be collected/delivered as soon as they are ready. Collection is normally after 8.00 pm to allow all the foraging bees to return. Although evenings are best, collections can also be made before 10.00 am by arrangement. Please do not arrive later than 10.00 am as after that time the bees will be released to go foraging. If you get stuck in traffic etc. please let us know and the time can be extended, at our discretion.
The collection date must be confirmed before 10.00 pm of the previous day so that the nucleus box can be shut down to keep all the flying bees contained. For example, if you want to collect a colony on Saturday, you must confirm this on the Friday by 10.00 pm.
Any sales of more than one colony may require separate journeys as and when the colonies become ready for sale.
The deposit is refundable if the customer decides to withraw from the sale within 2 weeks and otherwise the deposit is not refundable except at our descretion or on return of the empty box in good condition. For example, if the customer lives more than 50 miles away and can not collect the bees when they become ready the deposit will not be refunded, unless it is within 2 weeks of paying the deposit.
We make no guarantees of the specific strain / species of honey bee. Some colonies may have more Apis mellifera mellifera genes than others. Some colonies may have a large proportion of bees that look 'golden' in colour. A photograph of the bees can be emailed to customers during the week proceeding collection. If you specifically require dark bees, please ask for this photograph.
The nucleus may well contain varying amounts of chalk brood inherited from the donor colony. If you see chalk brood, please do not panic as this is an 'acceptable' and normal characteristic in the UK. If you are worried, please contact your local bee inspector for confirmation.
Colonies may be returned within one week of collection if the customer is not happy, but there must be a good reason and this must be confirmed in writing by the customer's official local bee inspector. Returns must be in the same box and in the same condition as when collected. No returns will be accepted for 'the wrong colour of bees'.